Componente commissione

Prof. Anna Galli


Professore Associato


Università degli Studi di Milano-Bicocca


Scienza dei Materiali





Associate Professor of Applied Physics at the University of Milano-Bicocca, Department of Material Science. Scientific coordinator of LAMBDA (Laboratory of Milano Bicocca University for Dating and Archeometry). Scientific Director of Centro Ricerche Patrimonio Storico Artistico e Culturale (BIPAC) of University of Milano-Bicocca. Associated member of Eurados Working Group 10, Retrospective Dosimetry. Member of scientifc board of Associazione Italiana di Archeometria (AIAr).

Teaching activities at University of Milano-Bicocca concern the course of Physics at the first cycle degree in Optic and Optometry and the course of Applications of Materials for Ionizing Radiation Detection at the Master Degree in Materials Science and Nanotechnology.

Anna Galli scientific activity mainly regards materials physics, radiation physics, dosimetry and, in particular, the interaction of ionising radiation with solids. Her international remarkable specialisation, strictly correlated with these topics, is the Physics applied to Cultural Heritage, above all for what concerns the results achieved in the development of techniques and instrumentation for Thermoluminescence Dating and XRF spectrometry. The background in Applied Physics to Cultural Heritage has implications in the approach to problem solving, based on inter- and multidisciplinary, data analysis, experimental work, interactions with different research teams. Multidisciplinary studies linking different disciplines, such as Physics, Archaeology, Material Science, Art History, Sociology. Anna Galli is author of more than 90 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals and has participated to several Conferences (at least 8 Invited Talks at National and International conferences and schools).

Coordinamento professori
e ricercatori del settore
scientifico disciplinare FIS-07

Fisica Applicata a beni culturali, ambientali, biologia e medicina

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