Full Professor of Applied Physics at the Università Politecnica delle Marche, Department of Life and Environmental Sciences. Vice Rector for Research and International Ranking. Coordinator of the PhD Course on Life and Environmental Sciences. Head of the Molecular Biophysics Lab (5 Professors and Researchers, 5 PhD students, 1 post-doc, more than 5 Master Thesis students).
Teaching activities at Università Politecnica delle Marche concern the course of Physics at the first cycle degree in Biological Sciences and the course of Bioinformatics at the Master Degree in Applied and Molecular Biology.
The scientific activities are mainly devoted to the analysis of structural properties and polymorphism of molecules and systems of biological interest (including proteins, lipids and nucleic acid derivatives) using X-ray and neutron scattering techniques. The main topics are the structure and stability of lipidic nanoparticles and nanosystems, the analysis of the structural and thermodynamic properties of smart self-assembling hydrogels from biomolecules and the structural properties of proteins in solution (including aggregation and folding, unfolding and misfolding processes in solution). P. Mariani is a frequent user of Large-Scale European Research Facilities (in particular, ESRF, ILL, ISIS, Diamond, Elettra). Paolo Mariani is author of more than 190 peer-reviewed papers published in international journals (h-index=40, more than 5800 citations) and has participated to several Conferences (at least 35 Invited Talks at International conferences and schools).